Tuesday, April 5, 2011

a word from my surgeon

well, I spoke to Dr. Memsic, my surgeon. Regarding my pathology report she actually said
" I guess you will have to live happily ever after." What a thrill, after all these months of not great news, it is such a shock although not really. She didn't mention chemo or radiation and so I asked...
" don't you want to offer me chemo or radiation?"
she said NO... ! I guess the report was so good she doesn't think I need it, not that I would have done it anyway, but it is nice not to have to explain to everyone why I wasn't doing what the Dr. advised .... I got my drains out yesterday, that felt like a slippery monster with wet tentacles was pulled out of my back... (I just watched Hellboy) and I made a gasping dramatic noise ... because I imagined that monster, not because it hurt. It is so great I can't even explain. I have a scar running up the middle of my new breast with a little tape on it, I think there are stitches that will dissolve because I don't have to see the dr. for 3 months... also I haven't really looked under the tape...and the same kind about 3" long around the side on my bra line... that is where they took the muscle and "flipped it around" ( the doctor's assistant's words ) there is a dent above the breast in my chest and my armpit looks weird...everything should settle down and look pretty good in a couple months. Still, it is pretty sore but who cares? Not me.

1 comment:

  1. Such great news. I am happy to hear that you are on the mend. What a relief.

    Love Alisa
