Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another day

It's kind of hard to write in an organized way on this phone... But here goes ( sanz organization ) first, this one is from the waiting room yesterday...

My team!!

Leilani spent last night with me, and it was more like a series of naps because they woke me up every 2 hours to check my blood pressure. Then at 6 am began the long string of doctors and residents checking this and that most of whom I never saw again. My mom came back and brought chicken soup, homemade of course. I had a full house thisafternoon so many visitors and big gorgeous flowers.

Now I'm just showing off. Everyone was cheerful and kept me in a good mood. The doctors are very encouraging and say I'm doing great. I'm pretty sore but feeling good, I haven't really looked at myself yet. Tonight is my moms turn to sleep here... she's over on the couch reading Franny and Zooey. Thanks for all the love and support, honestly every email phonecall or text is very much appreciated. I may stay one more night but I may go home tomorrow... Either way I can't wait to get this IV out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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