Friday, March 18, 2011

counting down

Well, the surgery is coming up so soon, Monday... 2 days away. I guess I am getting a little nervous about it now. But really not so much. the hospital admissions called me 3 times in the last 2 days, each time asking different questions. I keep waiting for that spike of crazy fear but it hasn't happened.

I will get to the hospital Monday morning at 5:15 am... go through the admissions process and go into surgery at 7:30. I Will have a meeting with both surgeons to go over details, I hope they let me have a valium so I stay relaxed.

I have the best support team possible, So many people offering to make me food and keep me company, walk the dog and visit me... I am so so grateful for all my people... I am glad too because not having love and support right now would be a bummer. And I know they will all support eachother.

I am feeling so strong as the day approaches. I have lost weight, taken tons of supplements, jumped on the mini trampoline, walked up hills, sent out armys of angels, visualized bright light showers and positive energy balls all around me, been pretty sober ( maybe a little weed )
got a new couch and recorded a bunch of movies for my recovery parlor.

I can only imagine it is going to be great and totally worth it.

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