Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phase 2

Last night I slept pretty well, and thismorning they took the catheter out and unhooked the IV. I've had stroll around the floor, a starbucks and breakfast from the newsroom. Dr Memsic came thismorning and basically said I was good to go home after lunch. I sneeked a peek at my breast, it looks pretty odd, very high and swollen but the dr's say it looks perfect so I will be patient and wait for things to settle.

We have just been admiring all the flowers... The hospital experience is so wierd, all the nurses that have taken care of me just come and go. I know I'll never see Liza or David again and for a day or two they were constantly in my world.

This is Liza, she's a kook.
I guess that's how it is.
Soon I'll be home with my dog and my shower and it will be the next phase.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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