Thursday, March 24, 2011

home! of course it's sweet

I got all unhooked from the IVs and that was a huge relief, not to have
drag that big thing around. Rose, my new nurse was nice but not warm at
all... I got the feeling she kept a wide gap between herself and the
patients. My mom went home and I was alone for a few hours. I didn't
know Rose was just waiting for me to say I was ready to go so I was just
killing time. I walked around the floor, tried to see the babies in the
nursery but they had the blinds closed.

Finally I asked Rose what the deal was and when I could leave...20 minutes later I was out of there..I got dressed, Sam and my mom came back and packed me up, then Elvia wheeled me downstairs and the next thing I knew I was home. Elvia was super sweet, called me darling in her chilean accent.

When I got there Ruby had made me a kale salad and I was so hungry I ate it standing up. I can do a lot of things but I have to move slowly, so taking a shower took a long time, Sam stayed and Leilani came later with dinner.

I have 3 drains that come from inside my body through tubes and drain into little squeezy bulbs. these are super annoying and kind of painful as they come right out of my side. They have to be in for a few more days...I empty them a few times a day and when the fluid collected is below a certain amount they take them out and the hole just closes up. I was very careful not to look at my scars and various openings when I took my shower and it was a challenge because my whole bathroom is mirrored. I am just not ready to see the incisions. Sam and Leilani wanted to see and they said it was pretty incredible, almost no bruising nothing looked scary at all so that is good to know, I still don't want to look.

We watched TV and Lei slept over, I am so glad to be home... I thought the hospital was pretty great but nothing compares to 1710.