Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why eatprayroz

Trying to name a blog about the basic elements of my life and cancer is tricky. I wanted it to be kind of lighthearted but real and not jokey. So I was thinking about some names and Lori (my friend and agent) told me about a mutual friend Dave who has a blog about food and himself called "eatpraydave" and I thought it was so clever and great... then I saw Dave and he said his blog was actually called "eatdavelove".

I just put my name on the end of the misquoted one and I thought it summed up what my life is like these days... I am super focused on what I eat...( more on that later ) and I do a whole lot of conversing with God and my intuitive self and working on my beliefs and spiritual life... And it is kind of ridiculous too... Plus my mom laughed when I told her and Dave said it was OK...
So that is why.

Leilani came up with the only other one I like "somebody hates these cans" but I didn't want to use the word hate. And I don't know how many people remember that line from The Jerk.

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