Sunday, March 27, 2011

...Today was a funny day. Healthwise, I feel pretty great, sore but manageable, the drains are still freaking me out, not too tired, I think it takes a long time to get the anesthesia out of your system.
Old friends and new friends came by, we laughed and made juice and it was so great to just shoot the shit ...My mom and Noah brought groceries and cleaned up around here, ( with sub-par equipment I was told ) then later, just as Jack and Tanya and their 2 little boys were leaving Pepper went under the deck and got super skunked in the face...I think those boys were traumatized! the smell was mighty fierce. I couldn't believe it... My mom and Noah came right over and Noah washed her with Head and Shoulders. What a guy... really who does that? Always saves the day. He was the first one in my hospital room and the only one who rubbed my feet.

I can't believe I have a breast implant. My lovely friend Tim Tattu is coming over to check me out, he happens to be a nurse at Cedars... I bet I am doing better than the average patient, he can be the judge.


  1. Hi Rozo.
    You sound great. And look happy! I wish you a great and swift recovery. You are in my thoughts
    Lots of love
    Craig, Nala & family

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Noah is a great guy! Wow someone should bake him a goodie...
